Terms and Conditions of Use

The services offered by Luggage Point of Fi.Flor S.r.l. are governed by the following “Terms and Conditions of Use.”
The “Terms and Conditions of Use” established by Luggage Point of Fi.Flor S.r.l. constitute an essential part of any deposit contract
and any other transaction concluded with the Customer, and cannot be separated from the said contract.
In the “Terms and Conditions of Use” governing the deposit contract and any other services offered to the Customer, the following
definitions apply: “we”, “us”, “our”, and “staff in charge” refer to Fi.Flor Srl, as well as its partners and collaborators; “Customer(s)”,
“you”, and “your” refer to the holder of a deposit receipt, hereinafter referred to as “receipt”.
The contract for storage and other services is entered into with the Company Fi.Flor Srl, owner of “Luggage Point” and the website
www.luggagepoint.it, which undertakes to store the luggage/objects of its customers in its luggage storage facilities. By agreeing to
store luggage at our premises and the luggage locker, you automatically agree to the terms and conditions set forth in our storage
contract and/or contracts for the provision of other services, whether on your own behalf or on behalf of third parties.
The luggage storage service consists of the rental of self-service lockers for the storage of luggage / personal items at our stores for
the period chosen by the customer during the reservation.
The customer is advised that there is no right of withdrawal from the transaction, which is explicitly waived given the specific nature
of the service, and that the reservation is non-refundable.
The reservation e-mail, the ticket issued at the point of sale and/or the receipt sent by Fi.Flor S.r.l. - Luggagepoint.it constitute proof of
the reservation.
Locations are open seven days a week. Opening hours may vary slightly depending on the luggage depot, so it is recommended to
check them on the page dedicated to the specific depot.
Reservations can be made on-line 24 hours a day.
It is prohibited to bring animals into the lockers and/or premises.
Smoking is prohibited inside our facilities.
Only persons over the age of 18 or accompanied minors are allowed to access the facility.
Perishable food may not be stored in lockers.
The maximum weight allowed per locker is 35 KG.
Before making an on-line reservation, the Customer is required to verify the size and weight of his/her luggage.
No complaints or claims will be accepted if the luggage exceeds the allowed size and/or weight. Before leaving the baggage room, the
Customer must ensure that the locker door is properly closed;
Luggage must be locked inside the locker rented by the Customer;
The Customer is responsible for his/her valuables left in the luggage and disclaims Fi.Flor S.r.l. from any liability in this regard;
The Customer must empty the locker completely at the end of the reservation.
The Customer is responsible for his/her own luggage and its contents.
It is the Customer's responsibility not to leave in the locker any identification or other documents necessary for travel. The Customer
acknowledges that he/she has taken all necessary precautions and measures to ensure that he/she has not left in the locker any
documents necessary for travel. Failing this, Fi.Flor S.r.l. in no event shall be held liable for any negligence on the part of the Customer.
For automatic locker rental service, the charge will be made to the payment system chosen at the time of on-line or on-site purchase.
This charge will include the cost of the rented time slot and any reopening cost.
Rates are posted at each of our outlets and can be found on our website in the dedicated section and/or in the reservation process.
In case of on-line purchase, the date and time of locker rental start and end must be chosen.
In case of on-site purchase only the first hour of rental will be paid in advance. Any additional rental hours must be paid at each
In any case at the end of each hour or day of rental already paid for, the entire next hour or day of rental will be charged.
Any disputes regarding charges must be received by us in writing no later than seven (7) days from the date of payment. Current rates
applicable to deposit service are available on on our websites. The customer agrees to pay the amount due to Fi.Flor S.r.l. governed by
these conditions within the agreed terms. Payments will be made in the local currency, and calculated according to the current
exchange rate.
Late payments may result in the application of default interest pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/02, as amended. Fi.Flor S.r.l.
reserves the right to demand, without prejudice, the reimbursement of its receivables in the time and manner provided by law, without
prejudice to the right to greater damages.
In case Customers wish to reopen the locker during the rental period the reopening in the first 15 min of the reopening is free of
charge. After the first 15 min of rental there will be a surcharge for reopening as indicated in the price table posted in each of our
facilities that can also be consulted on our website in the section dedicated to the chosen locker.
At each reopening, Customers will be able to decide whether to continue or terminate the rental.
If the pickup does not take place before the closing time of the store, the pickup must be made on the following days during store
opening hours. In this case Fi.Flor S.r.l. will charge an additional fee for each hour or day of delay without penalty and as per the price
table posted in each of our stores that can also be consulted on our website in the dedicated section and/or in the booking procedure.
Upon confirmation about the successful completion of the additional payment, the Customer will be able to collect the luggage.
In case Customers want to pick up your luggage later than the time indicated in the reservation, Fi.Flor S.r.l. will charge an additional
fee for each hour or day of delay, without penalty, as indicated in the price table posted in each of our stores that can also be
consulted on our website in the dedicated section and/or in the reservation procedure. Upon feedback about the successful completion
of the additional payment, the Customer will be able to collect the luggage.
If the pick-up does not take place before the closing time of the store, the pick-up will have to be made on the following days during
store opening hours. In this case Fi.Flor S.r.l. will charge an additional fee for each hour or day of delay without penalty and as per the
price table posted in each of our stores that can also be consulted on our website in the dedicated section and/or in the booking
procedure. Upon confirmation about the success of the additional payment, the Customer will be able to collect the luggage.
For security reasons, any forgotten and unclaimed item or luggage, after 24 hours without the same being claimed by the rightful
owner who is able to prove ownership of the property, will be handed over to the public security authorities. The company also
reserves the right to call in the Public Safety Authorities in the event that property left unattended should in any way result in risks to
public safety.
If the forwarding of a forgotten item is requested, the Customer assumes all costs, which must be paid in advance. A fee of € 35 plus
V.A.T. plus shipping costs will be charged, which depend on the weight, destination and shipping method (regular mail, UPS, etc.).
We do not allow the deposit of items prohibited by law and/or considered dangerous under national legislation, as well as items that by
their nature or packaging may cause harm to people, the environment or other luggage being transported and/or deposited.
We do not accept storage, nor do we provide other services for goods that in our sole discretion are considered dangerous.
We do not accept storage for the following items: plants and animals, live or dead; negotiable securities and certificates (bills of
lading, currency, banknotes, coins, credit cards, traveler's checks, travel documents); other non-negotiable securities; identity
documents (passport, identity cards , driver's license and the like) and documents necessary for travel (airline tickets, train tickets
etc.); any material that may be considered pornographic or indecent; weapons (firearms and edged weapons); software containing
high-value information; technology (phones, tablets, PCs, smartphones); garbage; political material; dangerous materials; narcotics or
psychotropics; art objects; antiques; metals (gold, silver in any form and precious stones); bulky goods; documents (public and private
bids, securities, food vouchers and fuel coupons, etc. ); watches; any other items which, at the Company's discretion, may result in any
risk to public safety.
The following items may be accepted only with specific written authorization or if they are part of Fi.Flor S.r.l.'s Luggage Point
commercial offer: food and pharmaceutical products; cigarettes and alcohol; fragile objects (such as glass, bottles, etc.); biological
tissues and anatomical pieces. The customer acknowledges and accepts that the storage of such goods is subject to specific
regulations and that the custody shall be in accordance with the law and any operational instructions dictated by Luggage Point di
Fi.Flor S.r.l. These directions may change at any time.
If a Customer wishes to make a complaint about lost or damaged luggage, or any other damage, he or she must follow the provisions
of national law; otherwise, we reserve the right to reject the complaint. Specifically, you may submit your complaint in writing within
eight (8) calendar days from the date the locker rental ends.
After the first written notice, and no later than the statute of limitations prescribed by law or applicable regulations, the customer
must provide documentary evidence of the claim by sending all relevant information related to the claim. We are not obligated to act
on any claim until our filing fees and expenses have been paid. The customer has the right to deduct the amount of the claim from the
amounts due for hire to Fi.Flor S.r.l. In order to take into account a claim for damages, the contents of your luggage will be made
available to us for inspection upon collection.
In the event of our acceptance of the claim, you warrant that the insurance company or third parties having an interest in the storage
will waive any right or claim to which they are entitled under subrogation or otherwise.
Fi.Flor S.r.l. has taken out a policy against theft and damage to your luggage for a total value of € 500 for each individual box rented.
The insurance coverage is INCLUDED IN THE PRICE and guarantees each of your luggage. Any item prohibited by these regulations is
excluded from any coverage.
If any term or condition of this Agreement is declared invalid or unenforceable, such determination shall not affect the other provisions
of this Deposit Agreement, which shall then remain in full force and effect. Except for the provisions of any applicable rule; any dispute
arising out of and/or related to this Deposit Agreement shall be governed by Italian law.
Any dispute relating to the relationship between the parties will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the consumer's court pursuant to
art.33 paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree number 206/2005 as amended.
Our facilities are fully automated.
There is no staff inside except in case of cleaning or maintenance.
Any individuals proposing to keep your luggage outside our premises are not authorized by us, and should any damage to property
and/or persons be caused by unauthorized persons, Fi.Flor S.r.l. in no event shall be held liable
With reference to any damage to property and / or persons that may occur in the contractual scope directly between the Customer and
Partner companies. Fi.Flor S.r.l. in no case can be held liable.
The original Italian language text of these Terms and Conditions may have been translated into other languages. The translated
version is unofficial and for illustrative purposes only, and therefore has no legal value. In the event of any dispute or inconsistency or
discrepancy between the Italian text and the other language translations of these Terms and Conditions, the Italian text shall prevail
and be the conclusive version. The Italian text is available on the Site (by selecting the Italian language) or will be sent upon written